Help Files - Online Learning
The following documents and videos are available to support you when using our online platforms.
Office 365 including Teams
Our online lessons are accessed using The children will need to use their school log in details to Office to join a live lesson. Their Office account also provides use of the online version of Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
Purple Mash
All of the children use Purple Mash across the whole curriculum. Purple Mash also provides a safe email environment for the children to email their school friends and their teachers.
Purple Mash Introduction Letter
Mathletics is used with year 2, 3 and 4.
Bug Club
This online reading platform is used by Early Years and Key Stage 1 children. Bug Club provides the children with online reading books and comprehension questions.
Fiction Express
This online platform is used by Key Stage 2 children. Fiction Express gives the children an opportunity to read many books online. It also provides the children with the chance to influence how the live books continue and a forum to discuss their ideas with other children and the authors.