Health & Welfare
When in school, be assured that your child will be well cared for. Please keep us fully informed of any changes in daytime contacts in case your child is ill in school. This is particularly important in respect of changes of telephone number.
School cannot issue any medication to children except in the case of chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and certain allergies, eg. nut allergy. Written information from parents concerning details of the condition and the treatments will be required for these conditions. All medicines should be clearly labelled with child’s name & dosage. Please contact the school office for further information.
Disability Discrimination Act
The school does not discriminate against children with disabilities. As with all children, children with disabilities are most welcome in the school and every effort will be made to ensure their access to the full curriculum.
The school has full wheelchair access.
The school’s admissions criteria apply to children with disabilities.
Please keep us informed of medical appointments. Children will not be allowed to leave school unaccompanied. Appointments should be made outside of school hours where possible. Please call at the school office and bring the appointment letter/card with you.
Routine medical and dental examinations take place in the school. You will be fully informed of these.